The Wrong Way to Get an Ex Back! Sadly 90% of People Often Make More Than 3 of These Mistakes!

How would you like to wake up one day and realize that everything you have done to get your ex back, has actually backfired back in your face, big time?

Obviously it isn't something we expect when we are trying to get our ex back, but the truth of the matter is, there is actually a WRONG way to get an ex back, and more than 90% of people end up taking the wrong route.

That is why you need to be aware of what works and more so what DOESN'T work to get your ex back, at all costs...

Sleeping with an ex

You immediately go back to another ex and sleep with them, or even just spend the night with them... and proceed to tell your ex. You should NOT sleep with an ex to try and make your ex feel guilty or jealous, as this will make them hate you and never want you back.

Never sleep with an ex to try and get your current ex back, because it really makes your ex feel as though you are disloyal and cheating on them, because one minute you are telling them you want them back, but the next you are out seeing other people.

Promising change, but not delivering on it

This is a huge mistake. You MUST deliver on the change you promise, and better yet, don't even promise change, but rather just DO it.

You should also understand that your ex doesn't really want you to drastically change everything and act like someone you are not, because this is not the person they fell in love with. But rather, they want you to change so you can be your best self.

Demanding to see your ex

This means giving ultimatums and threatening your ex to come back to you "or else". Your ex doesn't care if they are going to lose you, because right now you have made them mad and upset, and the more you threaten them on these things and demand to see them, the more convinced he/she will become that they really did make the right decision to avoid you.

Mourning your loss

I cannot stress how pathetic this really looks, when you go into mourning because of a breakup. Human beings are NOT attracted to those who become weak during important moments, such as during turmoil, and this is never going to make your ex want you back.

Instead, it only tells them that you are more weak and vulnerable than they thought, and at best, it will only make themfeel sorry for you but will also make them lose respect for  you.